
It’s alive

By Mark McKowski

And now here we are. The world of the Boneyard is crossing over into reality. Merging into the same space and time as the rest of the world. It can’t be contained any longer. It’s bursting out of its cage, like a demented animal. What’s real? I am merely an observer, witnessing scenes that I […]

Diary entry: Christmas

By Mark McKowski

Had a nightmare that the world was ending. Woke up in a pool of > sweat. Grabbed phone and looked at social media. Felt inadequate. > Put phone down and stared at the ceiling for half an hour. Got out > of bed and washed. Saw myself in the mirror and wished I was > […]

Horrible advice

By Mark McKowski

Mark McKowski & Nick Power A dash of good. A dash of evil. That’s the balance. Right there. A tightrope. When it could fall either way at any moment. There is a balancing act. With everything. Music. Art. Film. Whatever. It’s all water from the same well. It just depends how you scoop it up. […]


By Mark McKowski

What was the first record you owned and do you still have it? The Heart Of Stone single by SVT. I lost it. But I found another copy a couple years ago. The original 7’’ is killer. Great band. Brian Marnell was the frontman. He was an impossibly good looking dude. Black hair falling down […]

small town trap

By Mark McKowski

While on the road, I often find myself in small towns that resemble home. I could be in Germany, but I’ve somehow wound up in their version of omagh. In fact, sometimes it’s even more like omagh than omagh is. These traps are all over the world. You could be anywhere. Then you walk into […]

It is but it isn’t

By Mark McKowski

Welcome back to the Boneyard for another tale of the half expected. Another hack piece, straight from brain to paper. Does anybody even read this? Am I wasting my time? What am I doing here? What does it all mean? Let’s try and find out. If you can bare with me and follow my thread […]

A Long Long Road

By Mark McKowski

It’s a long way to wherever it is I’m going. Time to hit the road. After it’s too early. Before it’s too late. The destination is anywhere but where I am right now. And tomorrow it will be somewhere else. Somewhere a little further down the road.. I don’t stay anywhere too long. Comfort is […]

A day at the yard

By Mark McKowski

The sky was red for a long time. Then it was black. I couldn’t tell how long I’d been standing there looking up. Or if it was morning or night. I began to walk but I didn’t know which direction I was headed. I had no idea where, or who I was. I kept walking, […]


  1. Genuis of the Crowd McKowski 2:21
  2. The Crunch McKowski 3:45

Awkward but social

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