the world according to Owen Colgan.. part 2

By owen colgan

And here we are, for the second week running. Owen Colgan has taken over Boneyard HQ and locked himself inside. It’s midnight. He taps away at the typewriter, a single bead of sweat dripping from his brow. His bloodshot eyes, twitching. His mouth, frothing. He pounds excitedly at the keys and laughs wildly under the […]

Kongo and Gonzalo

By Mark McKowski

Above the guitar shop on Eggy Road is where Jongo and Honza lived together for 10 years. Jongo was the Belgian gypsy who owned and worked in the guitar shop. Honza was the Czech giant who busked every day from morning until night on Bold Street. They first met many years ago in France at an all […]

McKowskis obituary and the battle for the intangible

By Jack Burgess

McKowskis obituary and the battle for the intangible Don’t worry. I’m not actually dead. Even though this weeks article is my obituary, which is written by my good friend Jack Burgess. Jack is an artist in every sense of the word. He writes like a painter. He paints like a jazz guitarist. He makes films […]

A note from John Parish

By Howe Gelb

MARK WRITES: Greetings from the treacherous road. Or to be more specific, Malin Head. I’m still processing the gig in Bangor the other night, which, in short, was a delight. Many a new alliances were formed. Good friends and evil companions. Which brings me to my next point. This weeks raggle sees a new member […]

Blind Blake’s grave, Milwaukee

By Mark McKowski

Dear Mark. Listen! Spent my entire shift, a little over six and a half hours, listening to the complete recordings of Blind Blake.  Listened to the last CD twice, which included his final recording session up in Grafton, Wisconsin.  Please make a pilgrimage to his gravesite, if you can manage it.  I understand how tight […]

It is but it isn’t

By Mark McKowski

Welcome back to the Boneyard for another tale of the half expected. Another hack piece, straight from brain to paper. Does anybody even read this? Am I wasting my time? What am I doing here? What does it all mean? Let’s try and find out. If you can bare with me and follow my thread […]

Back at it

By Mark McKowski

On the road again. I’ve shown up to the check in desk at the airport, bloodshot eyes and grey skin. The lady at the desk looks at me like I’m a beast from the gutter. Maybe she’s right. After I get my ticket I realise my fly is undone. I need sleep. And a drink. […]

Sunday morning

By Mark McKowski

Some asshole opened the curtains, foolishly letting the sunlight in to > slice the dark atmosphere. This caused a ripple of moans that spread > across the dank room until the culprit realised his mistake and > quickly closed the curtains tight. That brief beam of sunshine was > the unwelcome guest, bursting into the […]

The loner

By Mark McKowski

He sits at the bar, staring blankly into nothingness, his fingers > making mince meat of the beer mat as he waits anxiously for another > drink. The barman makes no effort at small talk as he pours him > another. With the glass now full and his bloodshot eye twitching, he > raises the […]

The visitor

By Mark McKowski

He got off the plane in Dublin, full of hope and excitement. The sun was shining and so was he. The village was a mere 3 hour bus ride from here. The village he’d heard so much about. Heard it all from his friends in the big city. The ones who came from the village, […]

Awkward but social

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