a note from jolie holland
This week’s very special guest columnist comes all the way from Houston Texas, via Los Angeles and everywhere in between. Jolie Holland is her name and if you don’t already know her music then you should go dust off the record player and immediately purchase a copy of her album Escondida. You need her music […]
Failed journey
Taking a spin to west cork to pick up some records. The only question is which road do I go down.. the Wild West, or the mild east? I flip a coin. Heads for mild east. I ignore fates decision and take the Wild West. It’s a longer but better drive. I can stop off […]
Celticly Connected
Ok. Bear with me on this one. I’m about to go deep. But theres a point in here… somewhere. This stuff has been circling in my mind for some time now.. I’m trying to figure out the formula, or the recipe. The ingredients are all there, stewing in the brain. I Just need to write […]
A day at the yard
The sky was red for a long time. Then it was black. I couldn’t tell how long I’d been standing there looking up. Or if it was morning or night. I began to walk but I didn’t know which direction I was headed. I had no idea where, or who I was. I kept walking, […]
Nick Power Interview
Nick Power is a songwriter and keyboardist in Liverpool band, The Coral. He also has five books of poetry out. The last available copies known to man are currently on the shelves at Boneyard HQ. We spoke by fax machine recently, it’s his preferred method of communication. This is how it went. Nick: Herman, have […]
McKowskis obituary and the battle for the intangible
McKowskis obituary and the battle for the intangible Don’t worry. I’m not actually dead. Even though this weeks article is my obituary, which is written by my good friend Jack Burgess. Jack is an artist in every sense of the word. He writes like a painter. He paints like a jazz guitarist. He makes films […]
Waiting for bodger
It was Glastonbury. I forget the year. Michael Jackson had just died and we had been in a beer tent for two days straight with Bodger from the kids tv show, Bodger and Badger. We had been keeping the train in motion, awake for 48 hours and counting, but Bodger was insisting we stay up […]
howes about now
This weeks rag is written by our man in Tucson Arizona, and honorary native of Omagh, the one and only Mr Howe Gelb. Take it away Howe….. Time & space are a funny thing. If it’s not one, it’s the other. Next thing ya know ya wake up in Scranton getting a fist fulla Guinness […]
Awkward but social